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Speaker Information


Dan Sullivan is founder and president of The Strategic Coach Inc. A visionary, an innovator, and a gifted conceptual thinker, Dan has over 40 years’ experience as a highly regarded speaker, consultant, strategic planner, and coach to entrepreneurial individuals and groups.

Dan’s strong belief in and commitment to the power of the entrepreneur is evident in all areas of Strategic Coach and its successful coaching program, which works to help entrepreneurs reach their full potential in both their business and personal lives.

Client Panelists

Bill Bloom
Chicago, Illinois

Diana Fongheiser
West Chester, Pennsylvania

Jason Arriaga
Scottsdale, Arizona

Joel Zadak
Beverly Hills, California

Connect With Us

Have questions about Strategic Coach® webinars or our program? Call us toll free in the U.S. at 1.888.872.8877 or in Canada at 1.800.387.3206 for more information.