%%title%% Strategic Coach® Taster Workshop

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Join us for a taster workshop on
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. AET

We’re sorry we had to cancel this event. If you’re interested in learning more about The Strategic Coach® Program, please download our free Preview Package & Starter Kit. It contains a comprehensive collection of resources, including The Impact Filter—a tool to help bring clarity, intentionality, and purpose to all of your goals.

When our next event happens, we’ll make sure you’re the first to know.


What Our Clients Say

Carl Castledine

“My three years in Coach has been very successful. The business has increased six times in value in the three years. On a personal level, my initial investment grew 80 times. Coach is 100% responsible for giving me the freedom to achieve that kind of result and performance.”

Mike Koenigs

“You have intimacy, you have connection, you have constant growth, and you’re with a community of people just like you. Abundance-minded, like-minded thinkers and entrepreneurs who are absolutely committed and dedicated to growing, enhancing, and amplifying their lives. That’s what Strategic Coach is, and it’s why you need to be there. I have the freedom now to completely redesign life on my terms. I’m in the best place that I can remember being my entire life. Thank you, Strategic Coach.”

Jennifer Borislow

“My experience at Strategic Coach has been the best investment in my professional development that I have ever made. It is the cornerstone of every quarter, and it absolutely has allowed us to expand beyond my wildest dreams.”

About Strategic Coach®