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Join us for an exclusive taster workshop!

If your business isn’t providing you the time, money, freedom, and success you thought it would, now’s the time to make a change.

As a business owner, you know that living in a world of uncertainty is a constant; it’s the life you chose when you started your own business. But it’s how you choose to transform the uncertainty that will help you thrive in today’s rapidly changing world.

Join us for a live virtual event to learn what Strategic Coach® can do for you and your business and get your first taste of true entrepreneurial freedom—no strings attached.

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During this live, complimentary event, you'll learn:

  • Who we are: We’ll cover our core values, methods, and benefits, including real-world examples of business owners who’ve leveled up their businesses and lives through our Programme—even in these scary times.
  • What we do: We’ll introduce the Programme, laying out what you can expect weekly, monthly, and quarterly, and explain some of the core proprietary concepts that, if you register, we’ll use together to transform your business and life.
  • Where you’re at: We’ll also do a deep dive into your current strengths and challenges so you get a clear picture of where you are right now and where you’d like to be moving forward.
  • Why it works: When you sign up for The Strategic Coach® Programme, you’re joining the same elite entrepreneurial community as thousands of other successful, like-minded business owners, all of whom have committed to expanding their mindsets, developing their capabilities, and growing their businesses—just as you have. As a result, we don’t just hope you’ll collaborate … we expect it!

The only criteria to attend:

  • You’re the owner of an established business (for three or more years) that you’re passionate about growing.
  • You have an annual turnover of over £500K or a personal net income over £150K.
  • You have completed a Discovery Call with one of our Membership Advisors to find out if the Programme is a good fit for you and your business.

Join us on 21 July 2020, and get a taste of what Strategic Coach is all about!


About David Braithwaite

Since 1994, David Braithwaite has been steadily honing his entrepreneurial skills. He owns a financial planning firm based in Kent and co-owns another three connected businesses. As well as presenting his own show on BBC local radio, David has become the go-to “financial guru” for various media outlets and appears regularly as a guest on BBC radio and national TV. He also speaks at conferences worldwide and has contributed to two books published in Australia.