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Join us for a taster workshop on
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. ET


About The Event

As an entrepreneur, you face countless demands on your time and energy every single day, and we know just how challenging it can feel to invest these precious resources into yourself. We get it. But you DESERVE freedom from the daily grind of running a business and freedom to focus on the things that matter the most ... and we can help.
That’s why we’re hosting this complimentary, entrepreneurs-only taster workshop. It’s your opportunity to learn what Strategic Coach is all about and how we’ve helped thousands of entrepreneurs just like you achieve exponential growth, freedom, and happiness, regardless of what’s going on in the world. Join us to get your most pressing questions answered, hear from a panel of current clients, and see what all the fuss is about!


Who we are:

We’re not like other business coaching programs, and we can prove it. After all, there’s a reason 20,000 entrepreneurs have joined our community—and why so many keep coming back year after year. In this presentation, we’ll cover our core values, method, and benefits, including real-world examples of entrepreneurs who’ve leveled up their businesses and lives through the Program, so you know exactly what you’re signing up for and what you can expect in return—if you’re willing to put in the work.

What we do:

We believe in showing, not telling, which is why we’ve designed this event to feel like a sample of the real deal. We’ll introduce the Program, laying out what you can expect weekly, monthly, and quarterly, and explain some of the core proprietary concepts that, if you register, we’ll use together to transform your business and life. In essence, this is a preview of the Coach experience from start to finish. (Hint: That means first-class, every step of the way!)

Where you’re at:

We’ll also do a deep dive into your current habits, strengths, and weaknesses, so you get a clear picture of where you are right now and where you’d like to be moving forward. Some things might need minor tweaks and others major overhauls, but improvement is only possible when you start with an honest and clear vision.

Where you could be:

You’ll learn first-hand the strategies leading entrepreneurs have been using to transform their businesses and their lives, and get inspired by their stories of increased results, freedom, and happiness. You’ll also walk away with actionable steps you can implement into your own business right now.

Why it works:

When you sign up for The Strategic Coach® Program, you’re paying for access to more than just great content or one coach’s wisdom. You’re paying for the opportunity to be in the same workshop as dozens of other successful, like-minded entrepreneurs, all of whom have committed to expanding their mindsets, developing their capabilities, and growing their businesses—just as you have. You’re paying to be part of a community. As a result, we don’t just hope you’ll collaborate ... we expect it!

Event Details:

Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. ET
Virtual Location: Zoom

The only criteria to attend:

  • You’re the owner of an established business (for three or more years) that you’re passionate about growing.
  • You have a minimum personal net income of $200,000 a year.
  • You have completed a Discovery Call with one of our Membership Advisors to find out if the Program is a good fit for you and your business.


Speaker Information


Through her role as a Membership Advisor with Strategic Coach®, Clara understands the complicated lives of entrepreneurs. She has spoken with hundreds of business owners about their goals, their challenges, and their visions for a bigger future. As someone who has personally benefited from The Strategic Coach® Program, Clara is driven to bring more joy and freedom into the lives of entrepreneurs and their families.

What Our Clients Say

Carl Castledine

“My three years in Coach has been very successful. The business has increased six times in value in the three years. On a personal level, my initial investment grew 80 times. Coach is 100% responsible for giving me the freedom to achieve that kind of result and performance.”

Mike Koenigs

“You have intimacy, you have connection, you have constant growth, and you’re with a community of people just like you. Abundance-minded, like-minded thinkers and entrepreneurs who are absolutely committed and dedicated to growing, enhancing, and amplifying their lives. That’s what Strategic Coach is, and it’s why you need to be there. I have the freedom now to completely redesign life on my terms. I’m in the best place that I can remember being my entire life. Thank you, Strategic Coach.”

Jennifer Borislow

“My experience at Strategic Coach has been the best investment in my professional development that I have ever made. It is the cornerstone of every quarter, and it absolutely has allowed us to expand beyond my wildest dreams.”

About Strategic Coach®