Strategic Coach®


Learn how to bring clarity, intentionality, and purpose to all your goals with this transformational tool.


When to use an Impact Filter

  • Use it before a meeting, podcast, or interview. Send it to the participants so they’re clear on your purpose.
  • Use it when doing an outline for a book. The Purpose and Importance are your introduction, and the Success Criteria are your chapters.
  • Use it when delegating—it’s a powerful way to communicate your expectations.
  • Use it to create a job description when hiring for a new role.
  • Use it to set standards for Free Days, including vacations. Do this with your family/friends so you’re all happy with the experience.
  • Use it to get aligned with your team on a project. Doing it collaboratively gets everyone on the same page and clear on the what, why, and specific criteria for success.

For the ambitious entrepreneur ready to level up ...

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Strategic Coach continues to reshape my life and business for the better. The balance in my life is incredible, and my income is literally 25x higher from when I started the Program, which is not a coincidence.

Gino Wickman, Author of Traction – Founder of EOS Worldwide

“What happens here is a gift. The value on my health, sanity, and quality of life cannot be exchanged. Coming here forces you to step out, put the oxygen mask on, and look from 50,000 feet so that you don't end up getting sucked into this automatic, reactionary cycle. The outcome when you're proactive and intentional cannot be compared with anybody who's living in that reactionary, day-to-day, knee-jerk response.

Carrie Coppinger Carter – Coppinger Carter P.S.

“The best decision I have ever made as an entrepreneur is joining Strategic Coach. The worst decision is waiting two years to join after it was suggested to me. Coach has paved the way for amazing financial freedom and purpose-based success, and it has completely transformed the way I operate as an entrepreneur. I've never left a Coach workshop without having some major frustration solved or designing a plan to maximize a future opportunity. Life just keeps getting better.

David Berg – Redirect Health


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