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The 4x4

If expectations, direction, and purpose aren’t effectively communicated right from the get-go, your team won’t be able to deliver the result you need. And that can lead to disappointment, lost time, wasted efforts, and major financial loss.

When that happens, it’s not their fault … it’s yours.

The 4x4 is a simple tool to clarify and communicate intentions and the path to success in any role.

With this tool, you and your team will:

  • Discover the 12 ways to be a hero.

  • Understand performance requirements.

  • Clarify results.

  • Understand the four areas of responsibility.

  • Reveal the four “trouble” areas.

  • Set agreements that are clear and easy to understand.

  • Free yourself from micromanaging, and free your team from resentment.

After completing your 4x4, you and your team will enjoy greater clarity, direction, and purpose—and everyone will enjoy the benefits and endless returns of a Self-Managing Company®.